The speech of oneness

by Bastian Aue

You are on the official website of Bastian Aue. At his request, this has been kept extremely simple and straightforward. In addition to a brief introduction, it contains the information you need to get in touch with the essence of being. In addition, in the section “Services of humanity” you will find additional opportunities for encounters and energies with different characteristics.

All services are freely available to everyone and do not require anything in return. It is customary to make donations to Bastian as a sign of joy and gratitude. Further information can be found in the section “Gifts of joy”.

Bastian is not interested in publicity. Requests for interviews, appearances, partnerships, seminars, memberships, personal encounters etc. remain unanswered.

The connection with him is a deeply personal and intimate matter that requires no publicity. The decision is made solely by the person themselves. Requests for references from people during their lifetime as well as companies and organizations currently receiving them are obsolete. Most people, companies and organizations receive his services completely anonymously.

The services and energies offered on this website are of an all-encompassing nature and are not subject to Bastian's personal circumstances.

Due to the large number of recipients, we are unable to answer individual questions. In the last section you will find the heading “Frequently asked questions”, in which the most important questions are answered.



His life began in humble circumstances in a small, remote village. He graduated from high school and went on to study industrial engineering and international management. He was certified as highly talented and was quickly regarded as an entrepreneurial prodigy. This was followed by extremely successful years of multi-entrepreneurship, advising the top ranks of large corporations and teaching at elite universities. But he was meant for something else...

One day he received a spiritual intuition and a request to stop all his activities, go to his home village and leave everything he had ever been. This request was so insistent that he complied with it the very next day and went to his home village three months later.

In a nearby forest, he had his first out-of-body experience, in which he experienced his true essence and the reason for his existence: to bring the language of unity to earth. He would have advisors and helpers at his side. But first he needed to purify himself. And so it was to happen...

A decade of purification began, characterized by existential poverty, constant lack of energy and persistent phases of dysfunction, overwhelming anxiety, loss of friends and family, severe physical pain and withdrawal from life. Everything in him was to be redeemed and he himself was to lose everything he ever seemed to have been - until the day when nothing remained and the pure essence of being shone in perfection.

During this period, he always had the feeling that he was being guided, without ever having a choice or being able to make a free decision. He had numerous other out-of-body experiences and spiritual inspirations - moments of pure bliss. His senses, perceptions, abilities, access and wisdom awakened radically and to such an enormous extent that it took years of learning and experience.

Even today, Bastian still experiences phases of darkness and physical pain from time to time - even if these are of a significantly lower intensity and duration. These result on the one hand from taking on the suffering of other living beings and on the other hand from the extreme change in his consciousness and its effects on his body.

On his path, he received help in worldly matters, depending on the situation, which ensured his survival. Encounters with Ramana Maharashi and Siyaram Baba triggered such strong and overwhelming reactions in him that he slept for days immediately after the encounters, suffered extreme physical pain and had intense spiritual experiences. When he saw Ramana Maharashi for the first time, everything was immediately very familiar to him, his presence, his stillness, his actions, his consciousness - it was as if he remembered himself. It was similar with the words of Lao Tzu and Adyashanti. They were like a call to memory and from then on were a constant companion. Most things were to happen within himself and in direct connection.



The effects manifest themselves depending on the nature of the recipient as well as the duration, frequency and intensity of the reception of his services. The time of onset of the effects varies from immediately noticeable changes to perception weeks, months or even years after receiving his services.

The effects cannot be influenced or promoted by active action, nor does the recipient need to be consciously aware of his services. The effects always take place in the way that is most beneficial to the respective recipient.

Even if we might overwhelm you at first, we deliberately list numerous feedbacks below in order to give you as comprehensive a picture and feeling as possible of the effects of his services.



Fundamental and lasting change in consciousness and perception - All-encompassing self-love - Achieving deep inner peace - Phases of absolute stillness - Becoming aware of infinity and one's true self - Increasing serenity - Discarding adopted beliefs and views of life - Dissolution of: Self-doubt, addictions, relationships, problems, obstacles, thoughts, etc. - Healing of emotional wounds - Spontaneous insights - Inspirations of various kinds and goodness - Discontinuation of compromises and strong increase in radicalism and perfection - Feeling of harmony - Understanding of one's own fears - Distinct sense of coherence - Increasing phases of absolute clarity Steadily growing access to wisdom - Increasing capacity for radical surrender - Continuous liberation from harmful associations - Radical changes in eating habits and tolerances - Strongly growing desire for pure purity and the cessation of all distraction and numbing methods and activities - Increasing intensification - Increasingly strong sense of harmony - Strong sense of harmony - Strong sense of coherence - Increasing phases of absolute clarity Increasing intensification of sensory perception - Sudden awakening of new abilities - Steadily increasing intuition - Soothing and magical feeling of being guided - Becoming unbearable by “foreign” systems - Incomparable feeling of being at home and having arrived Increasingly groundless joy - Resignation from previous activities and occupations up to the termination of the current income employment - So-called unity and enlightenment experiences - Out-of-body experiences - Answers to long-asked life questions or the resolution of the questions themselves...

We would like to point out clearly and in detail that very dark phases, including physical symptoms, can occur during the reception of this energy. However, these are always temporary and only serve to cleanse and shed certain aspects.



Closure and re-foundation - Adaptation of content and form of activity and form to the nature - Change of customer base - Significant structural changes - Increasingly spontaneous ideas and impulses - Economic success - Lightness - Steady reduction of unhealthy dependencies to beneficial connections and relationships - Unexpected help from outside - Feeling of flow and providence - Change of employees - Extreme reduction of controlling measures - Change of location - Cessation of duties and obligations - Actions increasingly spring from joy and happiness - Enterprise spreads joy for the environment, for the customers and for all people who participate in it - increasingly magnetic effect on outstanding minds and associated uniqueness and genius...



It is said that the pure essence of being flows through it. It is not covered by identities and personal attachments and can therefore be received in its absolute purity.

It is accessible to anyone who wishes to receive it. The recipient freely chooses, by inner request, when to receive this energy and when to pause. This availability exists at any time and in any place.

Examples: “I ask to receive the essence of being.” or ”I ask to stop receiving the essence of being.” It is the intention and not the exact wording of the request that counts. You are welcome to use your own words.

This energy can also be requested for companies and organizations as a whole. This request is reserved solely for the owners, founders and board members. The procedure is similar to that described above.



These services complement the essence of being. They all serve the good of mankind. They are freely accessible and can be received directly and at any time. Further information can be found in the respective descriptions.

The reception of his services is solely by inner request. Termination and resumption can take place again at any time by inner request. Please note that only one service can be received at a time.


This energy is used to gain knowledge through financial poverty. It can only be received by people who perceive themselves as financially poor.

This special energy flows indefinitely from the moment of the inner request. It flows until all knowledge of poverty is present and integrated. It reaches its recipient at any time and in any place.


This energy is extremely pleasant to receive and effective. Dark phases rarely occur and if they do, then only in a very light form and of very short duration.

This energy is available on demand at any time and begins to flow for a whole year as soon as the inner request is made. It reaches its recipient(s) continuously at any time and in any place where they are located.

This energy can also be requested for the entire family (own person, partner, children, parents on both sides) or for one or more specific person(s). This energy intuitively knows for whom it is intended.


Every day at 3:30 a.m. CET, he sends an energetic impulse into the world. This is of the highest purity and reaches every person who wishes to receive it. Conception takes place on the night of the day of the inner request. It is also possible to receive an energetic impulse every night for certain periods of time (week | month | year | lifetime). Take the time period into account in your request. You can change the time period at any time by making an inner request.

For the full impact of his impulse it is not necessary to make certain arrangements or perform rituals. Most people receive his impulse in their sleep.


This energy serves the holistic healing of the person. It flows for 24 hours and begins to flow directly at the time of the inner request. It reaches its recipient continuously at any time and in any place.


These energies are very focused and concentrated forms of energy and promote a very specific theme in people. They are plentiful in number and only one focus energy can be received at a time. They flow for 45 hours and reach their recipient continuously at any time and in any place.

Conception takes place at the time of the inner request is made and the naming of the desired topic.



trust | dedication | clarity | focus | knowledge | wisdom | love | anger | fear | empathy | sensuality | fullness | emptiness | silence | harmony | security | lightness | serenity | knowledge | perception | acceptance | regeneration | freedom | infinity | expanse | blessing | forgiveness | joy | sadness | needs | vulnerability | fulfillment | dreams | talent | home | destruction | darkness | light | orientation | courage | letting go | value | truth | flow | dissolution | strength | response | leisure | conviviality | mercy | pleasure | art | spontaneity | earth | sky | travel | vocation | experience | teaching | guidance | money | strength | benevolence | pleasure | abilities | poverty | wealth | death | life


It is possible to come together spontaneously for a joint meditation. This begins immediately 5 minutes after the inner request is made and at the place where the recipient is currently located. This can be requested as often as desired.

For this encounter, it is necessary to go to rest and into silence immediately after the request. The joint meditation can be ended at any time by making an inner request. It is advisable to remain in silence for a while afterwards until the inner impulse to open your eyes occurs.


Every day at 6:30 a.m. and 9:30 p.m. CET it is possible to meet him in silence. This encounter takes place at the place where the person is located.

The encounter always takes place at the next time on the day the inner request is made.

For this encounter, it is necessary to be quiet and to go into silence approx. 5 minutes before the meeting. His presence is perceived at the time of the encounter. This perception can sometimes be experienced more strongly and sometimes more easily. Each person intuitively senses when this encounter has come to an end. It is advisable to remain in silence for a while afterwards until the inner impulse comes to end it.


This encounter creates a very intimate feeling of being seen completely: pure, natural and as the person really is. The person becomes aware of their own nature and essence.

This encounter can be requested at any time and in any place. It takes place in the place where the person is at that moment and begins 30 minutes after the time the inner request is made.

This encounter must take place in solitude and absolute silence.




Numerous manuscripts and writings were created in the years 2015-2017. Even if these reflect his state of consciousness at the time and “residual identities” were still present, the core is already recognizable.

Some of these manuscripts can currently be downloaded from this page.


Die Sprache der Einheit

| Manuskript - Die Sprache der Einheit |


Der Weg der Weisheit

| Manuskript - Der Weg der Weisheit |


Die Maximen des Strebens

| Manuskript - Die Maximen des Strebens |



| Manuskript - Nichts |


Die Sehnsüchte des Menschen

| Manuskript - Die Sehnsüchte des Menschen |



| Manuskript - Hingabe |


Das Buch der Fragen

| Manuskript - Das Buch der Fragen |


Verstehe deine Ängste

| Manuskript - Verstehe deine Ängste |


Wer verteilt das Glück?

| Manuskript - Wer verteilt das Glück |


Die Weisheiten des AMANDAN

| Manuskript - Die Weisheiten der AMANDAN |
Sammelband Teil I.-III.

| Manuskript - Die Weisheiten der AMANDAN |
Teil IV.


If you have the desire to translate one of these manuscripts into your mother language to make it available to people, please contact us.



It is customary to make donations to him for receiving his services. They are seen as a sign of joy and gratitude.

Bastian says: “The gifts lie solely in man himself. May they spring from overwhelming joy.”

These can be one-off gifts as well as recurring gifts (monthly/annually). As he says, this is entirely up to the recipient.


European Union:
Name: Bastian Aue
IBAN: DE60202208000027768056

Name: Bastian Aue
IBAN: LU90 4080 0000 2776 8056


Alternatively, we have set up a PayPal account.

| Donate via PayPal |




In Germany, it is not possible to register a charitable activity as an individual. Founding an organization is not in his nature. For this reason, we cannot issue you with a donation receipt. On request, we can issue a personal invoice for amounts of $1,000,- or more. Please send us an e-mail with your personal details to:



Is it really enough just to ask for the service or the energy in question?
Yes, His services and energies all know for whom, at what time and from what place they were requested.

Why was I unable to experience any impact while receiving the energy?
The impact of his services always takes place in the way that is most beneficial for the nature of the respective recipient. This also includes the timing of the impacts that occur. Some impacts can be felt immediately, some directly afterwards, others only after weeks and months - sometimes even years after the time of reception.

I do not perceive any energy flow. Does the energy flow at all?
The perception of the energy flow is individual. Some feel it strongly, some a little or occasionally and others not at all. This is not a criterion for the energy flow or the degree of impact. With a successful booking, the energy flow takes place in the form and intensity you have chosen.

What do I have to do to experience the full impact of the energy?
Nothing at all. His energies find their way all by themselves and no actions, rituals, support or the like are required.

How do I integrate the energy into my daily life?
Not at all. No actions are required.

How do I decide what is the right service for me?
Each person is attracted to a specific service. You should choose this one. If there is disagreement and uncertainty, practise patience. At the right moment, clarity will emerge and then you will know which service is right for you at that moment.

Can I cancel or terminate the service I have already requested?
Naturally. All services can be terminated and canceled with immediate effect at any time during or even before. Again, this is done by making an internal request in your own words. It depends solely on your intention and not on the exact wording. Examples: “I request an immediate termination of the energy flow of basic energy no. III” or ”I request that the energetic impulse be canceled tonight.”

Can I receive and request several services at the same time?
Unfortunately, this is not possible and does not make sense, as this would result in energetic mixing. Only one service can be received at a time. You can end a service at any time and then start another service.

Can I receive his services even if I do not donate?
Of course. He only wants to receive donations that spring from unbridled joy. If you do not feel this when donating, please refrain from making a donation.