The speech of oneness
by Bastian Aue
His life began in humble circumstances in a small, remote village. He graduated from high school and went on to study industrial engineering and international management. He was recognized as highly talented and was quickly regarded as an entrepreneurial prodigy. This was followed by extremely successful years of multi-entrepreneurship, advising the top ranks of large corporations and teaching at elite universities.
One unexpected day, he received a spiritual intuition and a request to stop all his activities, to go to his home village and to leave everything he had ever been. This request was so insistent that he complied with it the very next day and went to his home village three months later.
In a nearby forest, he had his first out-of-body experience, in which he experienced his true essence and the reason for his existence: to bring the language of unity to earth. He was told that from then on he would spend ten years in deepest darkness and experience his purification. In the weeks and years that followed, further out-of-body experiences and spiritual inspirations would follow, which were necessary for his task - and so it was to happen…
The decade of darkness began, characterized by existential poverty, constant lack of energy and persistent phases of dysfunctionality, anxiety, loss of friends and family, the threat of homelessness, suicide attempts, stays in psychiatric institutions, physical violence, severe pain... Everything in him was to be released and he himself was to lose everything he had ever seemed to be - until one day there was nothing left and the pure essence of being shone in perfection.
During this time, he had further out-of-body experiences and spiritual intuitions - moments of pure bliss. Senses, perceptions, abilities, approaches and wisdom awakened radically and to such a tremendous extent that it took his time to get to know and experience them.
Depending on the situation, he received help in worldly matters along the way, which ensured his survival. At no time was he himself part of a community, nor did he ever visit a spiritual master. Everything was to happen within himself alone and in direct connection.
Today, he is said to be one with the all-encompassing. His energy is considered to be the pure essence of being. He himself acts and dwells in a state of absolute no-mind. He lives in seclusion and isolation.
The impact of his energies depend on the nature of the recipient as well as the intensity, time periods and frequency of the energy flows received.
Fundamental and lasting change in consciousness and perception - All-encompassing self-love - Achieving deep inner peace - Phases of absolute stillness - Becoming aware of infinity and one's true self - Increasing serenity - Discarding adopted beliefs and views of life - Dissolution of: Self-doubt, addictions, relationships, problems, obstacles, thoughts, etc. - Healing of emotional wounds - Spontaneous insights - Inspirations of various kinds and goodness - Discontinuation of compromises and strong increase in radicalism - Feeling of harmony - Understanding of one's own fears - Distinct sense of coherence - Increasing phases of absolute clarity Steadily growing access to wisdom - Increasing capacity for radical surrender - Continuous liberation from harmful associations - Radical changes in eating habits and tolerances - Strongly growing desire for pure purity and the cessation of all distraction and numbing methods and activities - Increasing intensification - Increasingly strong sense of harmony - Strong sense of harmony - Strong sense of coherence - Increasing phases of absolute clarity Increasing intensification of sensory perception - Sudden awakening of new abilities - Steadily increasing intuition - Soothing and magical feeling of being guided - Becoming unbearable by “foreign” systems - Incomparable feeling of being at home and having arrived Increasingly groundless joy - Resignation from previous activities and occupations up to the termination of the current income employment - So-called unity and enlightenment experiences - Out-of-body experiences - Answers to long-asked life questions or the resolution of the questions themselves...
Adapting the content and form of work to its own nature - Change of customer base - Significant structural changes - Increasingly spontaneous ideas and impulses - Economic success - Lightness - Steady reduction of unhealthy dependencies to beneficial connections and relationships - Unexpected help from outside - Feeling of flow and providence - Change of employees - Extreme reduction of controlling measures - Change of location - Cessation of duties and obligations - Actions increasingly spring from joy and happiness - Enterprise spreads joy for the environment, for the customers and for all people who participate in it. ..
We would like to point out clearly and in detail that very dark phases, including physical symptoms, can occur during the reception of his energies. However, these are always temporary and only serve to cleanse and shed certain aspects.
“The embrace of the world.”
Thích Nhất Hạnh † | former Zen Master
His reputation resounds in many parts of the world. We are aware of about 90 people and about 450 companies and organizations that are in contact with his essence, of more than 25,000 people who receive his basic energies, of about 15,000 people who receive his energetic impulse every day, of just over 1,000 people who meet him in silence every day and of more than 5,000 hourly energies called up every day.
Among the recipients are outstanding personalities from the business and finance sectors, impressive luminaries from research and medicine (including 6 Nobel Prize winners), world stars from various artistic fields as well as important and influential members of aristocratic and royal families.
For some years now, more and more spiritual teachers and high-ranking scholars have been seeking contact with him and his energies.
His essence is radical and uncompromising in its effect. It is the highest level of intensity and is therefore only suitable for very few people.
Both the beginning and the end of their energy flow take place by a simple inner request from the person receiving it. The energy flow begins at the time of the request and also ends at the time of the inner request. It can be resumed at any time and in unlimited numbers.
His essence can also be requested for companies and organizations in their entirety. This request is reserved solely for the owners and/or founders.
Example: “I request to receive the essence for myself / my organization ‘name’ / my company ‘name’ with immediate effect.” or “I request to stop receiving the essence for myself / my organization ‘name’ / my company ‘name’.”
Costs: see section “Individual price”
In addition to his essence, he provides a group of other energies: The 5 basic energies. They are available in different intensities and can be freely selected by the recipient. They all have a lower intensity than his pure essence.
These basic energies are available on demand at all times and begin to flow directly at the time of a simple inner request. They reach their recipient continuously at any time and in any place where the recipient is located. They can also be terminated at any time by an inner request. The energy flow can be resumed at any time and as often as desired.
The choice of intensity lies solely in the hands of each recipient. Most people are intuitively drawn to a particular intensity. It is quite common to change intensity over time. Such a change is possible at any time by inner request.
For the basic energies I.-III. it is also possible to request them for the whole family (own person, partner, children, parents on both sides) or for one or more specific person(s). These energies intuitively know for whom they are intended.
Example 1: “I request to receive basic energy no. II for myself / my family / for (names of persons) with immediate effect.” or “I request to stop receiving basic energy no. II for myself / my family for (names of persons).”
Example 2: “I request a change of intensity for myself / my family / for (names of persons) to basic energy no. I with immediate effect.”
Please note that due to the large number of recipients, we are unable to answer individual questions regarding the basic energies.
Costs: see section “Individual price”
Basic Energy No. I is the gentlest intensity of its basic energies. It can be requested for yourself as well as for your family and for other person(s).
Basic Energy No. II is somewhat stronger in its intensity than Basic Energy No. I. Its fee for individuals is one symbolic euro per day. It can also be requested for yourself, for your family and for other person(s).
Basic Energy No. III is already noticeably stronger in its intensity compared to Basic Energy No. II. It is the highest level of intensity that can be requested not only for oneself, but also for one's own family and for other person(s).
Basic Energy No. IV is already so strong in its intensity that it can only be requested for oneself.
Basic energy no. V is the strongest basic energy intensity. Choose it wisely.
He provides a very special energy that can only be received on an hourly basis. It is available on demand and begins to reach the recipient for one hour 5 minutes after a simple inner request. It reaches the recipient at the place where they are currently located.
This energy is available in 10 different intensities and can be received once a day. Every person intuitively feels drawn to a certain intensity level at any given moment. A certain number usually appears in the consciousness. You should request this level for yourself.
Example: “I ask for the conception of hourly energy no. 5" or "I ask for the termination of hourly energy no. 5.”
It is helpful to receive this energy when you are alone, in silence, sitting or lying down.
Costs: see section “Individual price”
Every day at 3:30 a.m. CET, he sends an energetic impulse into the world. This is of the highest purity and reaches every person who wishes to receive it.
Conception takes place by a simple inner request. It is possible to receive his impulses night after night for an indefinite period of time. This is also done by a simple inner request. It can also be terminated at any time by inner request. Resumption is possible at any time.
Example: “I ask for the energetic impulse today / from today for every night until I ask for a termination.”
It is not necessary to take certain precautions or perform rituals for the full effect of his impulse. Most people receive his impulse in their sleep.
Costs: see section “Individual price”
This energy is used for the holistic healing of people. It flows indefinitely and reaches its recipient continuously at any time and in any place.
Conception takes place through a simple inner request. It can also be terminated at any time by inner request. It can be resumed indefinitely.
Examples: “I ask to receive the healing energy.”, “I ask to stop the healing energy.” or “I ask to receive the healing energy again.”
Costs: see section “Individual price”
Every day at 6:30 a.m. and 9:30 p.m. CET it is possible to meet him in silence. This meeting takes place at the place where the person is located.
The encounter takes place by a simple inner request. It can be canceled at any time, even shortly before the scheduled time. Each encounter must be requested again. There is no limit to the number of encounters.
Example: “I ask for the encounter in silence today at 9:30 p.m. / tomorrow at 6:30 a.m.”
For this encounter, it is necessary to calm down and enter into silence approx. 5 minutes before the encounter. His presence is perceived at the time of the encounter. This perception can sometimes be experienced more strongly and sometimes more easily. Each person intuitively senses when this encounter has come to an end. It is advisable to remain in silence for a while afterwards until the inner impulse comes to end it.
Costs: see section “Individual price”
It is possible to come together spontaneously for a joint meditation. This takes place in response to a simple inner request and begins immediately 5 minutes after this. This can be requested as often as desired.
Example: “I request a spontaneous joint meditation.”
For this meeting, it is necessary to calm down and go into silence before the inner request. The joint meditation can be ended at any time by making an inner request. It is advisable to remain in silence for a while afterwards until the inner impulse to open your eyes occurs.
The spontaneous meditation is a gift and free of charge.
He remains in a state of ultimate no-mind. As soon as a question reaches him, the corresponding answer appears to him and he returns to absolute silence.
Personal questions can be sent directly to him. They only reach him personally and cannot be viewed by other people. Please use the e-mail address below for your question:
Important: Messages longer than 3 sentences will be deleted immediately. Therefore, please keep your words short and concise, reduce your message to the essentials and avoid formalities. It is not necessary for him to hear all the details and background information. They will get the gist with the first word and will respond accordingly.
Due to the high number of questions, it may take some time to answer - but sometimes it can be very quick.
Costs: see section “Individual price”
He says: "The appropriate price for the services received and commissioned by me lies solely in the person himself. It is in him that his amount and his time of sending is decided."
The appropriate price can mean that it can be a one-off amount as well as monthly or annual amounts.
Note: We issue invoices on request from an amount of $500. If you wish to do so, please send us an e-mail with your personal details to the address given at the bottom of this website.
IBAN: DE27 1001 1001 2807 2667 25
Is it really enough just to ask for the appropriate form of energy?
What happens if I do not pay the individual price?
His energies and he himself remain hidden and closed to those who do not send their amount because of a lack of coherence and rightness - and they know it. It is not that he and his energies will not act and flow; it is that those cannot receive them.
When do I have to transfer the amount? Before or after receiving the energy?
The timing of the transfer is up to you. Some people transfer in advance, others in the middle, others at a later date.
What do I have to do to experience the full effect of the energy?
Nothing. Its energies find their way completely on their own and no deeds, rituals, support or similar are required.
How do I integrate the basic energy into my everyday life?
Not at all. No actions are required.
How do I decide on the right form of insight and experience? What is the right form for me?
Every person feels drawn to a very specific form. They should choose this. If there is disagreement, it takes time and patience. Clarity arises at the right moment and then you will know which form is the right one for you at the moment.
Please send questions and suggestions to Ms. Freya Silberling. She and her team take care of the organization and administration and serve as contact persons for concerns and open questions.
Freya Silberling
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